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Gluon GMU191

Gluon GMU191

Gluon GMU191 is a remote monitoring device for industrial applications. It has versatile analog, digital and Modbus connections and integrated 3G data transfer.

Gluon GMU191 is designed for collecting sensor and meter data through integrated analog and digital inputs, as well as exchange data with field bus automation systems through integrated Modbus master and slave connections. Cellular data connection enables delivering data to external systems.

The device enables collecting extensive amounts of data, starting from near-on-line sampling frequency. Once set up, the device keeps collecting and transferring data without separate queries. Secure and effortless! If you run out of pulse/digital inputs, extend easily with the compatible PMU261.

Sufficient data buffering (156 days at 15 min sampling interval) keeps the data secured in case of transfer network failures, ensuring time series continuity. SMS messaging may be set up to alarm about values off the defined operating range.

Gluon GMU191 Specifications

8 digital/pulse inputs

10 current loop (4-20 mA) inputs

PT1000 temperature sensor input

2 RS485 interfaces for Modbus Master and Slave

Buffering of 15 000 measurements (i.e. all inputs & 250 Modbus registers)

DIN rail mounting, 9 modules, optional enclosure available

Integrated 3G GSM module

Set up with a single SMS


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