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Gluon GMU291

Gluon GMU291

Gluon GMU291 is a remote monitoring device for industrial applications. It has versatile analog, digital and Modbus connections for data collection.

Gluon GMU291 GMU491Gluon GMU291 is designed for collecting sensor and meter data through integrated analog and digital inputs, as well as exchange data with fieldbus automation systems through integrated Modbus master and slave connections. It connects to any Modbus fieldbus.

Also, the Gluon GMU291 is a perfect extension for ionSign’s GMU191GMU391 and GMU491 remote monitoring devices. The parent device transfers the data collected by GMU291 to external systems via GSM or LAN connections. This enables collecting extensive amounts of data, starting from near-on-line sampling frequency. Once set up, the device keeps collecting and transferring data without separate queries. Secure and effortless!

Gluon GMU291 Specifications

8 digital/pulse inputs

10 current loop (4-20 mA) inputs

PT1000 temperature sensor input

2 RS485 interfaces for Modbus Master and Slave

DIN rail mounting, 9 modules, optional enclosure available

Standalone Modbus device or an extension to GMU191/391/491 process monitoring devices


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